NFTE logo, Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship.

About our Partnership:

“As part of the partnership between NFTE and Singleton Foundation, Million Stories Media content featuring real entrepreneur stories has been integrated into NFTE’s High School and Middle School programs, as well as their adult targeted Career Relaunch program.
NFTE resources and tools for entrepreneurs and small businesses are featured in Million Stories Resources. Together, the partners are working to get content into the hands of those who need it most.”

About our Partner:

Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) is a global nonprofit that activates the entrepreneurial mindset and teaches startup skills. NFTE works with schools and community-based organizations in the U.S. and 10 countries around the world to bring entrepreneurship education to young people, and works with business and philanthropic partners to bring entrepreneurship essentials programs such as Career Relaunch to adult learners. Since 1987, NFTE has helped more than a million entrepreneurs launch businesses of all sizes.