Next Gen Personal Finance

NGPF logo with graduation cap and dollar sign.

About our Partnership:

Next Gen Personal Finance features Million Stories engaging videos on financial topics in their professional development programs for 43K educators of personal finance and their over 2M students. NGPF’s short, informative videos by popular financial expert, “Miss Behelpful”, can also be found on Million Stories.

About our Partner:

Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) is a nonprofit that was founded in 2014 to partner with teachers and educators. The organization provides FREE up-to-date curriculum, engaging professional development and advocacy resources to increase access to financial education in high school and middle school. As of 2020, NGPF’s curriculum and professional development has extended to 43,000 educators reaching over 2 million students! NGPF’s mission is that by 2030, ALL students will take a one-semester personal finance course before graduating from high school.